
To be honest though, it doesn't really seem like there's much to be joyful about this Adar. Every generation has its own Haman, and ours is is no exception. This time it's potential-nuke-wielding Iranian psychopath president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who wants to eradicate the Jewish state. And then there's Hamas and the Palestinians: A group of people everyone's forcing Israel to make "peace" with just chose to have terrorists head their government. And instead of presenting a united Jewish front against these threats and others, we've decided to fight each other (sometimes literally, like at Amona) and create more divisions among us like it'll do any good.
Hopefully this Adar, Hashem will perform a miracle once again and turn the tables on our enemies and bring us closer together. We need it.
Chodesh tov.
Tags: Adar, Judaism, Israel
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